

Stockholm Symposia of Criminology

Situational Action Theory (SAT) – Stockholm Prize of Criminology (2016)  Per-Olof Wikström, University of Cambridge, UK, Travis Hirschi , University of Arizona, USA, Cathy Spatz Widom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and City University of New York, USA.


Criminology and the Fundamental Attribution Error (2015) Stockholm Prize in Criminology, Winner 2015, Ronald V. Clarke (UK)

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The Importance of Place in Policing, Stockholm Prize in Criminology, Winner 2010, David Weisburd (Israel and USA)

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Financial Crime

Situational Crime Prevention and White Collar Crime (2015), Michael L. Benson, The University of Cincinnati, USA

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What is Harm, Crime in Financial Context – Introduction to Seminar “Finance, Harm and White Collar Crime” (2015), Vania Ceccato, KTH, David Whyte, The University of Liverpool, Tina Søreide, The Norwegian School of Economics, Norway, Gregg Barak, The Eastern Michigan University, USA, Manuel Aalbers, University of Leuven, Belgium (Slides) (Video)

Organizing Tax Avoidance in Large Corporations (2015), Nubia Evertsson, The Stockholm University, Sweden

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Secondary Victimization of Professionals Accused of White-Collar Crime (2015), Sofia Wikman, Technology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Stockholm University (SU)


Severe Tax Evasion and Organized Crime (2015), Pia Bergman, Skatteverket, Sweden


The National Strategy for the Prevention of Financial Crime in Sweden (2015) Stefan Lundberg Chief Prosecutor Development Unit, Ekobrottsmyndigheten, Sweden


Prospects of Corruption Control: A Cross-Country Perspective (2015) Tina Søreide, The Norwegian School of Economics, Norway


The Morality of Neo-liberalism: State-Corporate Corruption and Violence (2015) David White, The University of Liverpool, UK



Global Crime is Down but are We Safer? (2014), Crosstalks – Jerzy Sarnecki, Stockholm University, Vania Ceccato & Mads Dam, KTH


Security Matters!   (2010)

A seminar on urban crime, fear and contemporary social order in the context of urban sustainability (2010)


Crisis Management and Urban Security (2010), Security Matters, Eric Stern, Swedish Defence University

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Fear of Crime: Meaning, Measurement and the Impact of Neighbourhood (2010), Security Matters, Jonathan Jackson, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (Slides) (Video)

Crime and Urban Design (2010), Bill Hillier, University of London, UK

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Safe on the Move: The Importance of the Built Environment (2010), Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, UCLA Department of Urban Planning, USA

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Ecological Analysis of Small Area Offence and Offender Data (2010), Robert Haining, University of Cambridge, UK

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Community, Security and Distributive Justice (2010), Nick Tilley, Jill Dando Institute, UCL, UK

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Hammarby Sjöstad from a CPTED Point of View (2010), Bo Grönlund, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark

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Idealistic Intention or Realistic Response? Exploring Various Responses to Urban Security in South Africa (2010), Security Matters, Karina Landman, University of Pretoria, South Africa  (Slides) (Video)
