
Webinars om våld i nära relationer, från 24 November till 8 december

’8 Days a Week’: A Snapshot Report on the Precariousness of LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Services
Tuesday 8th December 2020, 1-2pm



Catherine and Kate will be sharing findings from their recently published research report, ’An eight-day working week: LGBT+Domestic Abuse Sector Snapshot’, which you can find here: 


We have two other webinars coming up this term, too:


Sandy Ruxton and Stephen Burrell – Masculinities and Covid-19: The implications for work with men and boys to build gender equality

Tuesday 24th November 2020, 1-2pm



Fiona Vera-Gray – Should misogyny be a hate crime?

Tuesday 1st December 2020, 1-2pm
